Monday, February 20, 2012

Linked Server to MySQL

We are trying to do a linked server to MySQL from MS SQL2k. We downloaded MyODBC drivers, setup the system dsn successfully but then SQL errors out using both the GUI and the stored proc to add the linked server to mysql. Does anyone have a good site to reference or any words of advice. An hr or so of google didn't really give up any helpfully information.

DMWAre you setting up a linked server in SQL Server to connect to MySQL?

"and the stored proc to add the linked server to mysql."

If you are trying to connect to SQL Server from MySQL I would try the MySQL forum.

Also, it would help if you provided the error messages.

If you are trying to setup the linked in SQL Server to access MySQL you should have to execute a sp in MySQL.

Also if you reply to this, post your code for adding the linked server.|||should "not"|||I had it working both ways, MySQL to connect to SQL and have a read-only access to a specific view, as well as SQL to have MySQL as a linked server. The only difference I see is I was doing it from MSDE on XP to MySQL on 2003. But the engine is the same for standard/enterprise and MSDE, so I don't see where you can have issues there. Try to post your error, maybe that would clear the mud ;)

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