Monday, February 20, 2012

Linked Server to DBASE 5 Tables

I am trying to create a linked server to some dbase 5 tables. I have read several other posts about using the OPENROWSET option and that does work however, I would like to be able to create a linked server for easier access.

End Goal: I am developing an ASP based app that needs to join a DB5 table to a SQL table.

Any help on the linked server properties in Enterprise Manager for dbase5 or on the proper sp_addlinkedserver function for dbase5 would be highly appreciated.

JoeCan't you use DTS to get the data from DBase5.|||I have pulled the tables in with a DTS package very easily however, I would like to be able to access the data real time in it's current place. for example:

Select sqltable.Name, dbasetable.BillCharges
From sqltable
Inner Join database...dbasetable On
sqltable.AcctNum = dbasetable.AcctNum

By using an example in one of these forums I do have another work around:

SELECT sqltable.Name, dbasetable.BillCharges
FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={Microsoft Dbase driver(*.dbf)}' ,'SELECT Name, AcctNum FROM \\Server\Data\dbasetable.dbf') dBase
Inner Join sqltable On
sqltable.AcctNum = dbase.AcctNum

But this is a little too slow for an asp application.

Thanks for the reply ....

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